Tuesday 18 September 2012

5 Steps To Successful Sales Of Critical Illness Insurance


In Middle of 1990 Critical Illness Insurance Emerged to the United States

 Long a popular product and accepted in European countries and a newer product, but popular in Canada, critical illness insurance had a root, having harder time in the United States. That is truly a bit of a surprise, since the
particular disease situations such as cancer and heart attack / stroke insurance have been one of the most preferred voluntary advantages for over 25 years. The purpose of this article is to help improve your practice, making health insurance critical of much of what they sell insurance agents.

Step 1: Identify Your Target Market

Critical illness insurance has wide application as a financial planning tool, so it is the professional insurance agent to identify a target audience. Some potential target audience may include:
Independent individuals
Entrepreneurs by employee size
The staff member advantage market by employee size

Step 2: Identify Goals In Perspective

Once you have identified your target market your next step is to identify what they want to accomplish. A key principle of my method of sale free of objection is ignoring a perspective and focus on what you want. So the important question is: what do you want your target prospects?
1st. Control premium on health insurance - cost reduction that is distinctly different from a strategy to gain control of premiums and minimize future rate increases.
2nd. Freedom to seek care from non-network - The problem is that the co-insurance and deductibles are significantly higher when a facility off-network is used by an insured.
3rd. Income Replacement - The sad reality is that according to the association of health insurance plans for 55% of working Americans have no income protection to individuals 45 years and don't have sufficient savings to last for more than 3 and half months.

Step 3: Create a List of Interesting Questions

Is important to recognize that people do not know what they do not know. The prospect is highly unlikely to initiate a conversation of critical illness insurance simply because he doesn't realize why it is essential. Create big questions is useful in arousing the interest of a prospect. A question like Mr. Entrepreneur is being treated for cancer and was unable to work, where the money would come from hiring a replacement employee? An additional benefit of the big issues is that they become the basis for their marketing.

Step 4: Identify The Tools of Marketing

There is a world of marketing tools available for use. Their marketing tools can be direct email, telesales, networking or some other of a vast world of other tools. Begin this step first identifies the tools you're secure with. The 2nd step is to identify the tools that your target market is likely to respond to.

Step 5: Create a Marketing Program

With their tools of choice it is time to design the marketing plan real. If you are using direct mail you can create a program where you send 100 letters every morning on Tuesday and follow up each and every Monday. Your marketing strategy identifies the tools, time of use and the goals. How to choose your tools is imperative that you create a program that is in alignment with who you are. Do not over-commit or activity will not follow you.
If you stick to these 5 steps you'll discover yourself selling a lot more critical illness insurance than you ever imagined possible.